****see below for picture info.

One of the main reasons why I felt like part of the family was because of point-of-view. As a whole, the film took the Corleone family’s point-of-view. This gives partial reason as to why I was on their side. If the film had been taking place from one of the over five family’s point of view I would probably be rooting for them.
Other than point-of-view, I was mystified by how these Mafia families work. They are a business as well as a family. The shocking horse head scene in the beginning did not defer me from the family, but rather it drew me in—I was thinking, wow, I don’t want to be on this family’s bad side! I realized that the Corleone family takes care of their own. This concept was also seen throughout Connie’s issue of being beaten and Sonny wanted to protect/get vengeance for her.
Perhaps the shock value of the scenes also drew me to the family. Maybe the more shocking action (crime/murder) a family member would do for other members of the family made me feel a deeper connection. When Michael killed Sollozzo and McCluskey it was shocking, but also built the bond between Michael and his father, which created a stronger bond with me and the family.
My bond and loyalty to the Corleone’s built stronger as Michael’s character developed into a more family man. See, Michael’s character seemed to be like me (and other members of the audience). I liked the family, but was not really sure about the whole Mafia thing, but by the end, like Michael, I was completely submerged. It was as if Michael’s journey was also my journey, as a member of the audience.
Note: I do not want to be a part of the Mafia; I just really enjoyed The Godfather.
****The pictures are of Michael and me. It kind of represents how I felt like Michael--my journey with the Corleone family.... I found Michael's photo at: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v446/goawaydick/brians%2520stuff/Al-Pacino---The-Godfather-Photograp.jpg&imgrefurl=http://andrewdoesmovies.blogspot.com/2008/06/godfather-michaels-transition.html&h=381&w=300&sz=48&hl=en&start=1&usg=__g80c_jCKOGoQMq6sKKO8QQ8ypPc=&tbnid=mAg2K3Z5MmTrPM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3DThe%2BGodfather-%2BMichael%2BVito%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
Grace wants to be in the Mafia! Haha, I like your little disclaimer at the end, and the tough-looking picture of you. I must agree though, the movie was definitely captivating. The film seemed to glorify the Mafia and the art of "the family business," even though that business is corrupt and terrible. I also think Michael was the most captivating character, and it was amazing to watch his transformation.
I'd be interested to hear your response to the Godfather, part II. It's an incredible movie, one of the few examples of a sequel that is as good as, if not better than, the original. But the family is in crisis in Part II, and the whole atmosphere is darker and more disturbing. I have to say that I never would have predicted this reaction from you! :-)
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