Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Psycho Remake

I feel torn by the Psycho remake. There were many aspects that I thought were very well done and many that were not. This remake was a shot-for-shot, which I really enjoyed. The camera angles meant so much in the original version, so I was pleased to find out that the remake had the same angles. I was pleased with the film in that sense, but there were many aspects that thoroughly disappointed me. The following will explain what I was disappointed with and why. (Maybe I'll even add some positive things in it.)

I did not like Vince Vaughn playing Norman Bates. If I were Alfred Hitchcock I think I would have felt dishonored, or at least disappointed. Vaughn's face and build did not suffice. He was too tall, not attractive enough and his face was much too round. (His lips also looked very strange in many scenes.) Since I was so distracted by how he looked as Norman Bates I probably did not pay enough attention to his acting. From what I remember, however, he was pretty good at his part.

The death scenes could have been really good if it were not for the cheesy, really horrible inserts of cloudy skies, permiscuous women and water buffalo. I was baffeled really, that those little snap shots were in there. I do not think they added anything but confusion for the viewer. Also, the camera did not stay on Marion's hand when it was slipping down the wall long enough. The shower scene was slow, which was great, but that part was cut short. I think the hand slipping down the wall showed the slipping away of everything- the money, Marion's life, her previous relationships, Norman's life, etc. In the shower scene, however, I did appreciate the aspect of real looking blood and the blood spot that stayed on the wall while Marion was falling down.

Those were the two main things that I really did not like, but as I said, there were things I appreciated about the film. The original version will always be better, but kudos to the new one for being alright in some parts.

P.S.- I also wanted to say that I liked how Marion fought back when Norman was stabbing her. It kind of seemed like Marion just took it in the original, but I think Marion was resisting in the remake and I'm glad about that.


Remdizzle said...

yeah Grace you are completely right about the random shots of nearly naked women and cloudy skies. i completely forgot to talk about that but even though Vince and the other guys thought it would be cool did they not think it would be completely random to the viewers? i mean unless it had some sort of personal value or whatever i dont know, it would be a completely useless addition i feel. oh well

Kevin M said...

"Also, the camera did not stay on Marion's hand when it was slipping down the wall long enough." Now THAT shows a true connoisseur's affection for the original film! :-) I do understand what you mean, though, so I'm NOT making fun!